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Women’s Health: Now & Forward

The MLSC team convened partners across our ecosystem for “Women’s Health: Now and Forward”, a networking luncheon for relationship building and collaboration.

The convening featured a panel spotlighting the encouraging signs around women’s health, but also a discussion on what other opportunities need to be leveraged to further advance our own shared imperatives in this space. Moreover, panelists and attendees engaged on what Massachusetts needs to do to continue to lead the charge in this critical area.

Special thanks to our panelists Chelsea Schiller, Director of the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H) Investor Catalyst Hub, Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Dr. Linda Griffith, MLSC Vice President of Industry Strategy & Investments Carla Reimold, PhD, and our moderator MLSC President & CEO Kirk Taylor, MD.

The MLSC launched its Women’s Health Initiative in 2020 to support efforts which increase understanding of sex and gender differences in biology (that has translational potential) or developing solutions for diseases or conditions that affect women solely, disproportionately, or differently.

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