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Program Overview

It is essential that our life sciences ecosystem values and embraces a diverse workforce. It is not only about equal representation, it is about the strong business case, the bottom line, and ensuring the next big breakthroughs to save lives and improve patient outcomes. That’s why here in Massachusetts, we know that the strongest life sciences sector is a diverse one.

The MLSC is proud to partner with the United Negro College Fund (UNCF) on the Ernest E. Just Life Sciences Initiative, which creates internship opportunities in the Boston-area for students enrolled in Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and other Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs). Students gain valuable experience and a network of professionals to pave a path for a fulfilling career in the life sciences.

UNCF will help provide transportation, housing, and other vital wrap around services to ensure students have a welcoming, memorable, and rewarding time in Boston.

Host organizations that meet the eligibility criteria for the MLSC’s Internship Challenge can seek reimbursement from the MLSC for wages paid to their intern(s).

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How to apply:

Click the button below to view guidelines and to submit an application to apply. 

Impact on the Ecosytem

Since 2022, the program has created 59 meaningful internship opportunities with 14 different life sciences companies and research institutions throughout Greater Boston. The initiative provided students from around the country with an extraordinary opportunity to spend 11 weeks living with a cohort in Boston and interning with life sciences organizations of all sizes.

To date, the MLSC has sponsored nearly 20% of the internships offered through the Ernest E. Just Program and contributed $150,000 in funding to support program implementation.

MLSC has sponsored nearly

0 %
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of the internships offered through Ernest E. Program

Provided the UNCF with

$ 0

in funding to support program implementation

Connect with us to learn more

If you have further questions regarding the application process, please email: internship@masslifesciences.com.
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