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Servier spark award goes to New Equilibrium Biosciences

Servier and LabCentral announced that the Servier Spark Award* 2021 goes to New Equilibrium Biosciences, a biotech that develops small molecules targeting intrinsically disordered proteins. New Equilibrium Biosciences develops small molecules from original structural studies of intrinsically disordered proteins, proteins involved in different pathologies, in Oncology or in Neurology. Due to the dynamism of their structures, these proteins are generally difficult to target and to inhibit. The original approach of New Equilibrium Biosciences could allow breakthroughs in the field. The first indications on which New Equilibium Biosciences are focusing are breast cancer or rare cancers.

New Equilibrium Biosciences was 2020 MassNextGen awardee. The competitive MLSC program is a five year, more than $2 million commitment to ensure greater gender parity in the next generation of life science entrepreneurs. 

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