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$2 million in capital funds to support IALS research

Recently announced MLSC funding totaling $2 million in capital grants will support four of UMass Amherst campus’ Core Facilities managed by the Institute for Applied Life Sciences (IALS). The funds are for the purchase of hardware and software, analytical and other equipment, as well as research supplies and reagents.

IALS Core Facilities receiving the support are:

  • Light Microscopy, directed by James Chambers, for the enhancement of the UMass Amherst Light Microscopy Facility for cutting-edge workforce training.
  • Flow Cytometry, directed by Amy Burnside, to update cell sorter, spectral analyzer cytometer, and high throughput sampler.
  • Mass Spectrometry, directed by Steve Eyles, for the acquisition of Synapt G2-32k Mass Spectrometer for native mass spectrometry.
  • Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), directed by Jasna Fejzo, for the purchase of a SampleJet, a high-throughput sample changing robot for NMR.
  • Center for Human Health and Performance, directed by Michael Busa, plus industry partner Embr, for “Artificial Intelligence for Menopause Symptoms (AIMS).”

In addition to these recent investments, the Institute for Applied Life Sciences is the MLSC’s largest capital project, a $95 million investment, designed to catalyze applied and translational research projects, develop alliances with industry and government partners, and participate in the training of students for industry-relevant careers.

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