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Massachusetts Life Sciences Center Awards Equipment and Supply Grant to O’Maley Innovation Middle School

The Massachusetts Life Sciences Center (MLSC) joined local school leaders and elected officials at O’Maley Innovation Middle School in Gloucester to celebrate $21,566 in funding to improve science courses, and provide new equipment and supplies for students.

Beth Nicklas, MLSC General Counsel and Vice President for Academic and Workforce Programs (center) joined Senate Minority Leader Bruce Tarr (far left), Representative Ann-Margaret Ferrante (far right), members of the Gloucester Education Foundation, and faculty and students from O’Maley Innovation Middle School to celebrate the school’s $21,566 MLSC Equipment and Supply Grant.
Beth Nicklas, MLSC General Counsel and Vice President for Academic and Workforce Programs (center) joined Senate Minority Leader Bruce Tarr (far left), Representative Ann-Margaret Ferrante (far right), members of the Gloucester Education Foundation, and faculty and students from O’Maley Innovation Middle School to celebrate the school’s $21,566 MLSC Equipment and Supply Grant.

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