Massachsuetts Life Sciences Center Announces Capital Grant Awards and Funding for Equipment and Supplies in MetroWest

The Massachusetts Life Sciences Center (MLSC) joined elected officials and school leaders at Joseph P. Keefe Regional Technical School to announce more than $400,000 in funding for life-sciences-related capital projects and nearly $400,000 in grants to purchase equipment and supplies for high schools in the MetroWest region of Massachusetts.

Dr. Susan Windham-Bannister (right of center) joined Representative Tom Sannicandro (D-Ashland) (far left) and awardees to announce capital awards and equipment and supply funding for MetroWest schools at Joseph P. Keefe Regional Technical School in Framingham.
Dr. Susan Windham-Bannister (right of center) joined Representative Tom Sannicandro (D-Ashland) (far left) and awardees to announce capital awards and equipment and supply funding for MetroWest schools at Joseph P. Keefe Regional Technical School in Framingham.

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