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Lieutenant Governor Murray and Center announce more than $9 million in capital grant funding for Greater Boston colleges and research institutions

Dr. Len Zon and Dr. George Daly show Lieutenant Governor Timothy Murray and Massachusetts Life Sciences Center President & CEO Dr. Susan Windham-Bannister zebrafish lab space at Boston Children’s Hospital.
Dr. Len Zon and Dr. George Daly show Lieutenant Governor Timothy Murray and Massachusetts Life Sciences Center President & CEO Dr. Susan Windham-Bannister zebrafish lab space at Boston Children’s Hospital.

Lieutenant Governor Timothy Murray and the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center (MLSC) on April 8, 2013, announced more than $9.35 million in grants to support life-sciences-related capital projects in the Greater Boston area, including $4 million for Boston Children’s Hospital and $5 million for Harvard Medical School to fund major lab renovation projects. The MLSC has also announced grants to Bunker Hill Community College, Quincy College and Regis College for projects related to life sciences training and education.

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