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Health Equity Accelerator Deliverables, Confidentiality, and General Conditions


Awardees will be required to submit the following materials to the MLSC:

Two Progress Reports – all Awardees will submit the first report six months after the award and the Final Report no later than 15 days after conclusion of the grant expenditure. These reports should describe progress made using the grant, as well as other metrics including, but not limited to any patents filed, abstracts/publications submitted, follow-on funding, etc. Templates will be provided to awardees upon execution of the Grant Agreement.

Post Project Reports – will be submitted by all Awardees on the anniversaries of submitting the Final Report for the following five years and should describe the progress towards project execution and the impact of the Award on such progress. The report should include additional funds raised by awardee, relevant partnerships, IP status, resulting publications, etc. Templates will be provided to awardees upon execution of the grant agreement.


MLSC is subject to the requirements concerning disclosure of public records under the Massachusetts Public Records Act, M.G.L. c. 66 (Public Records Act), which governs the retention, disposition and archiving of public records, such as written materials, financial statements, statistical tabulations and other documentary materials or data. As a result, applicants should be aware that any information submitted to MLSC is subject to public disclosure as set forth in the Public Records Act.

There are, however, exceptions. “Public records” do not, for example, include documents containing trade secrets, such as commercial or financial information regarding the operation of any business conducted by a company or other institution or regarding the competitive position of a company or other institution in a particular field. In the event that an applicant wishes to submit certain documents to MLSC and believes such a document or documents may be proprietary in nature, the applicant should identify such materials in its application as Confidential. MLSC’s General Counsel is the sole authority within MLSC for making determinations on the applicability and/or assertion of an exemption to the Public Records Act. All documents submitted by the applicant, whether designated as “Confidential Information” or not, are not returnable.

General Conditions

Contractual Requirements
The MLSC intends to enter into an agreement with the awardees containing certain standard provisions. The MLSC reserves the right to amend the agreement. Please be advised that the MLSC will work with awardee to arrive at a mutually-acceptable agreement, however certain provisions will be non-negotiable because the MLSC is a state governmental entity.

Waiver Authority
The MLSC reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to waive minor irregularities in submittal requirements, to request modifications of the application, to accept or reject any or all applications received, and/or to cancel all or part of this solicitation at any time prior to awards.

This solicitation does not commit the MLSC to award any funds, pay any costs incurred in preparing an application, or procure or contract for services or supplies. The MLSC reserves the right to accept or reject any or all applications received, negotiate with all qualified applicants, cancel or modify the solicitation in part or in its entirety, or change the application guidelines, when it is in its best interests. An application does not constitute an award.

Changes/Amendments to Program
This solicitation has been distributed electronically using the MLSC’s website. It is the responsibility of applicants to check the MLSC’s website for any addenda or modifications to the program to which they intend to apply. The MLSC, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and its subdivisions accept no liability and will provide no accommodation to applicants who submit an application based on an out-of-date solicitation.

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