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Health Equity Accelerator Eligibility Requirements and Evaluation

Program Design

The Health Equity Accelerator program welcomes applicants from both Massachusetts-based for-profit companies and non-profit institutions, which include but is not limited to startups, incubators, accelerators, research institutions, academic medical centers, and colleges and universities. The goal of the program is to support projects that are developing transformative solutions in targeted areas under the health equity lens. Selected awardees will receive a one-time non-dilutive grant upon successful completion of the one-year program.

  • Up to $250,000 is available for the awards program
  • Each award is anticipated to be approximately $50,000. Teams requesting more than $50,000 will be asked to describe the compelling circumstances and provide sufficient information to justify this special request
  • Projects are anticipated to last one year
  • There are no limits on the number of proposals that may be submitted by each organization, however, each individual representative is asked to only submit one application

Program Eligibility

Eligible applications must meet the following criteria:

  • Project Lead must be a full or part-time employee at a for-profit company or a non-profit institution based in Massachusetts.
  • For-profit companies are required to provide a Certificate of Good Standing from the Massachusetts Secretary of State and Certificate of Good Standing from the Massachusetts Department of Revenue
  • The company/institution must be in compliance with all other Center agreements, if any.

Review Process

Assessment of Innovation and Impact with a Health Equity Lens:

  • Demonstrate clear commitment to promoting health equity
  • Addresses unmet needs with innovative approaches in underserved communities

Translation potential to impact health equity:

  • Demonstrate potentials for growth and expansion to reach larger number of individuals and or communities in need
  • Provide affordable and accessible healthcare for those with limited financial capabilities

Feasibility of timeline:

  • Uphold realistic and achievable review of timeline, milestones and plan for implementation within the 1-year timeframe of the accelerator program

Qualifications of the team:

  • Include members with experience in areas such as healthcare, life sciences, entrepreneurship, and health equity

Collaboration and partnership:

  • Open to collaboration and partnership opportunities with other participants, mentors and stakeholders within the health equity ecosystem

Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion:

  • Demonstrate commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion in project design and community engagement efforts


  • Allowable costs for MLSC funds: salaries (fringe rate not to exceed 30%), legal expenses, clinical trials, consultants, materials, supplies, purchase of capital equipment, project-related travel (up to 10%) and overhead/indirect expenses not to exceed 15% of the total award ($6,522 for an award of $50,000).
  • Non-fundable expenses include: paying for operating costs such as utilities and activities funded by other funding sources.
  • Following execution of the grant agreement, funds will be provided on a reimbursement basis to the Awardees based on the terms of the Grant Agreement.
  • The MLSC reserves the right to adjust the requested amount of funding for each proposal.
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