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MassNextGen Sponsorship

Increasing the number of successful and diverse entrepreneurs is in the best interest of the entire life science industry and our broader innovation economy. Our life science industry partners share our mission in wanting to shift the paradigm to build a diverse ecosystem with equal representation. There is something unique about companies which call the Commonwealth home. They bring jobs, develop and expand innovative spaces, and bring dynamic impact in their respective fields. Moreover, our ecosystem is emboldened by enterprises which believe that at the core of their mission is to be part of something greater here in Massachusetts.

On behalf of our entrepreneurs, the Commonwealth, and patients around the world, we are grateful for the support of our sponsors.

Anchor Platinum Sponsor

Photo of Takeda Logo

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Learn more about the MassNextGen sponsors and how your company can join the movement.

Will you join the movement to change and expand diversity in the next generation of life science entrepreneurs?

If you are interested in sponsoring the MassNextGen Initiative, please reach out to Carla Reimold, Executive Vice President of Scientific Innovation and Strategic Investments at

Connect with us to learn more

If you have further questions regarding the application process, please email:

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