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Meet the First Look Award Recipients

First Look Awardees

The First Look Awards program, a collaboration between the MLSC and the Mary Horrigan Connors Center for Women’s Health and Gender Biology at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, supports exploratory projects to begin developing translatable solutions for women’s health and furthering our understanding of gender biology.  

The Massachusetts Life Sciences Center aims to support and incentivize translational project teams developing research towards the understanding of conditions and development of solutions in this area of need.

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follow-on funding received

2023 First Look Awardees

 The Center awarded five projects totaling $250,000.

Project Title: Targeting AMHR2 in cancer-associated mesothelial cells as a treatment for ovarian cancer
Awardee (PIs, Institution): Dr. David Pepin, Massachusetts General Hospital
Industry Partners:

Grant Awarded: $50,000


Awardee (PIs, Institution): Dr. Juan Gnecco, Tufts University

Industry Partners:

Grant Awarded: $50,000

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Awardee (PIs, Institution): Dr. Nisha Iyer, Tufts University
Industry Partners:
Awardee (PIs, Institution): Dr. Krishna Aragam, Massachusetts General Hospital
Awardee (PIs, Institution): Dr. Zareen Farukhi, Brigham and Women’s Hospital

2022 First Look Awardees

The Center awarded $150,000 in grant funding to support three projects.

Project Title: A human trophoblast-derived placental model for studying the impact of SARS-CoV-2 infection on early pregnancy

Awardee (PIs, Institution): Ching-Wen Chang, UMass Chan Medical School

Awardee (PIs, Institution): Kara McKinley, Harvard University

Awardee (PI, Institution): Marie Billaud, Brigham and Women’s Hospital

2021 First Look Awardees

The MLSC awarded $50,000 to one project.

Project Title: E2-PATH assay for assessment of breast cancer risk and treatment

Awardee (PIs, Institution): Sallie Schneider, PhD, Baystate Medical Center

Connect with us to learn more

If you have questions regarding the application process, e-mail with “First Look” in the subject line.

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