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Waters PREMIER: High Performance Surfaces to Address Metal-Based Secondary

The use of metal hardware for chromatographic systems and columns dates back to the advent of high-performance liquid chromatography. Metal alloys such as stainless steel, titanium and MP35N are routinely used for chromatographic hardware – where stainless steel has become a material of choice for constructing LC columns. While these choices in hardware materials afford high pressure capabilities and low-cost manufacturability, they also can negatively impact analyte recovery and peak shape. These complications stem from electrostatic effects, electron sharing and Lewis acid-base interactions. The longstanding complication of adsorption of analytes with electron rich moieties has led to a variety of workarounds – reliance on chelating buffers and additives, sample derivatization techniques, system priming or passivation as well as utilization of non-metallic surfaces (e.g. polyether ether ketone). Unfortunately, such work arounds often sacrifice capabilities such as MS compatibility, high pressure capabilities or drive workflows to complicated methodologies with multicomponent mobile phases or stringent system treatment protocols. In order to address metal-based secondary interactions in LC and LC-MS analyses without the aforementioned performance compromises, we have developed specialized inert LC surface which provide substantial improvements in sample recovery and peak shape. These benefits have been demonstrated for a variety of analytes, including small molecule metabolites, phosphor-sugars, oligonucleotides, glycans and peptides.

Chemistry Operations, Waters Corporation, Milford, MA, USA

Bonnie Alden, Jon Belanger, Kenneth Berthelette, Robert Birdsall, Cheryl Boissel, Mathew DeLano, Michael Donegan, Martin Gilar, Paula Hong, Moon Chul Jung, Mary Lame, Matthew A. Lauber, Thomas McDonald, Jennifer Nguyen, Amit Patel, Paul Rainville, Jennifer Simeone, Kerri Smith, Thomas Walter, Kevin Wyndham




UMass M2D2
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