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Statistics 101 and Statistical Quality Control for Biopharmaceuticals (Virtual)

Course Description
This course teaches the basic statistical principles, state-ofthe-art concepts, advanced tools, and available techniques for statistical process monitoring, quality fault detection, and continues improvements for wide varietyof applications including biomedical and pharmaceutical manufacturing applications.

Dr. Wenzhen Huang (UMass Dartmouth), Dr. Bharatendra K Rai (UMass Dartmouth), Dr. Seongkyu Yoon (UMass Lowell)

Target Audience
Manufacturing Process Engineer, Quality Engineer, Research Scientist, Bioprocess Engineer

At the completion of this course the participant will be able to:

Discuss and describe quality management philosophies
Discuss quality improvements with six sigma strategy and DMAIC
Describe, compute, summarize, and interpret sample statistics of manufacturing process data
Explain concepts of sampling, sampling distribution, parameter estimation of population
Design, set up, and use CUSUM and EWMA charts
Understand some recent developments of SPC control chart for specific applications: short run, autocorrelated process and multivariate processes

M1. Intro to 6s, Deming 14 points, and statistical quality control
M2. Introduction to Statistical Basis of Statistical Quality Control
M3. Statistical Inference: Hypothesis testing and T1/T2 errors
M4. Control Charts for SPC, Process Monitoring and Fault Detection
M5. Enhancements of SPC Charts: CUSUM & EWMA charts
M6. Quality Characterization, Process Capabilities, Gauge R&R
M7. Multivariate Statistics (PCA)
M8. Multivariate Control Charts (MSPC): Multivariate Process Monitoring

Cost of attendance is $2,500; 50% discount for academic and government. Please head over to BlueSnap to complete your registration. Registration deadline is April 30, 2021.

Contact Information
For any question, please contact


May 17, 2021, All Day
May 19, 2021




UMass Lowell
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