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Women Accelerators: Podcast Party

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Join us for the inaugural Podcast Party event with Women Accelerators! The October happy hour event will be like a book club, but with podcasts. Listen to the list of...


M2D2 International MedTech Forum 2020

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Discover breakthrough life sciences innovation straight out of India.  See six finalists pitch their ideas to a panel of leading investors. Life sciences innovation knows no borders—and the first M2D2...


Bioprocess Data Analytics and Machine Learning (Virtual)

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Lead Instructor(s) Richard D. Braatz Brian Anthony Seongkyu Yoon Registration Deadline September 1st, 2020 Course Fee $3,500 CEUs 2.0 Description THIS COURSE MAY BE TAKEN INDIVIDUALLY OR AS PART OF...

The Covid-19 pandemic and the race for vaccines

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Every week, STAT Plus subscribers get access to exclusive conversations with biotech, pharma and health tech leaders. For this month only, thanks to Allscripts, we’re inviting all STAT readers to join in...

The Connors Center IGNITE Awards

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The goal of the IGNITE Awards program is to advance understanding of female-specific and sex-differentiated effects in novel therapeutics (drugs, devices, and digital diagnostics and therapeutics) for diseases that affect...

Business Of Biotech 101 (October)

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This MassBioEd online course explores the business considerations that drive company strategies. Participants are provided with an overview of how the industry works, why it works the way it does,...


2020 Global Conference on Regulatory Science

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Hosted by Harvard-MIT Center for Regulatory Science, the 2020 Global Conference on Regulatory Science will convene academic scientists and physicians, international regulators, industry experts and patient groups to explore emerging...

A Technologist’s Journey Through Medicine

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In this Harvard Medical School webinar, Prem Ramaswami, Head of Product at Sidewalk Labs, an Alphabet company focused on increasing the sustainability and affordability of cities discusses when in the...


Building Self-Awareness & Improving Personal Effectiveness

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This two-session, interactive course helps participants build effective interpersonal skills and provides tools for objective and subjective self-evaluation – both critical to success in the biotech industry. Through a combination...


Advancing Your Career as a Woman in STEM

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Wondering how to advocate for yourself and propel your career? Come learn from our awesome female panelists who will share advice and tips on how to advance your career in...


The AI Applications in Biopharma Summit

Joseph B. Martin Conference Center at Harvard Medical School 77 Avenue Louis Pasteur, Boston, MA

The AI Applications in Biopharma Summit is a new kind of collaborate experience where the industry’s top science minds, AI technology experts and strategy leaders share detailed use cases to...

Presenting With Persuasion, Clarity & Strength

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The ability to speak in a clear, comfortable, and confident manner is a key skill for all biotech industry professionals. Whether presenting internally to a small group of peers, entire...


Tap into The SBIR Center of Excellence

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UMass M2D2 and The UMass Lowell Research Institute’s NorthStar Campus have partnered together to bring you SBIR support! During this webinar you will learn more about the SBIR process, the...


Unless otherwise specifically stated in relation to each and any of the events listed on this page, the MLSC does not host or sponsor these events. The MLSC has no oversight or responsibility for the venue, content or host-organization related to these events. The MLSC has no affiliation with the organizations listing events or with the events, and provides this content and information as a convenience to visitors to the MLSC website.

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