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Leveraging Government/Incubator Partnerships to Advance Your Life Sciences

Government entities tasked with safeguarding the nation’s health security recognize life sciences incubators as abundant sources of new innovations that can potentially save lives. Join us and learn how to tap into these opportunities and accelerate your innovation.

Representatives from BARDA, BARDA DRIVe, Johnson & Johnson Innovation | JLABS, and the Massachusetts Medical Device Development Center (M2D2) will introduce you to the collaborations they’ve formed to help advance innovations tackling our biggest health security threats.

You’ll learn from BARDA and BARDA DRIVe about their missions, areas of interests, and opportunities they provide to help further innovation.

You’ll also hear from JLABS and M2D2, two active incubator programs that have collaborated both together, and independently with BARDA to serve as pipeline builders and resource centers. Not only do these centers compliment and expand on BARDA’s mission but they can work with you to fill in the advancement gaps needed to position your innovation on the path to success.

Join us and learn about the added-value government/incubator collaborations can bring to the table to help advance the opportunity of success for life science innovators.


• 12:00pm – 12:05pm: Opening Remarks & Intros

• 12:05pm – 12:20pm: BARDA Presentation

• 12:20pm – 12:35pm: BARDA DRIVe Presentation

• 12:35pm – 12:45pm: BARDA Q&A

• 12:45pm – 1:05pm: JLABS Presentation w/ Q&A

• 1:05pm – 1:25pm: M2D2 Presentation w/ Q&A

• 1:25pm – 1:55pm: Company Spotlights

• 1:55pm – 2:00pm: Closing Remarks

Sandeep Patel – Director of BARDA Division of Research, Innovation, and Ventures (DRIVe)

Stephen Pitt – Head of JLABS @ US North East

Steve Tello – Vice Provost for Graduate & Professional Studies

Company Spotlights:
Advanced Silicon Group: Marcie Black – CEO & Co-Founder

Persephone Biosciences: Stephanie Culler – CEO & Co-Founder

Versatope Therapeutics: Christopher Locher – CEO & Co-Founder

Curie Co: Erika M. Milczek – CEO & Founder




UMass M2D2
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