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Leading Digital Transformation in Health Care

Digital transformation in health care is happening at an increasingly rapid pace. The current global health care crisis is only bolstering the need for technology to provide meaningful solutions. Digital health technologies can make it more convenient for a patient to make an appointment. They can make it easier for doctors to access the right information at the right time. They can make it more efficient for a health system to manage their population and deliver high-value, high-quality care at a reasonable cost—or to continually improve care through knowledge generation in the model of a learning health system.

While excitement and investment in these technologies is rapidly increasing, the adoption and value proposition of technology for health care remains complex and multifaceted. Which innovations will provide more cost-effective, patient-centered, quality care? How do you differentiate value-producing technologies from hype? As a leader, what are the critical steps in managing the change process? How do you leverage digital strategies throughout your organization to benefit all aspects of health care? Insights into these questions are critical not just for health systems, but also business leaders developing industry solutions for health care.

This Harvard Medical School Executive Education program provides you with the knowledge, tools and strategies to design and implement technology-enabled change initiatives in health care. It will feature a combination of live virtual class sessions and self-paced learning and discussions. A certificate of completion will be provided.


November 1, 2021, All Day
November 12, 2021




Harvard Medical School
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