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Demystifying Pathways to Innovation Partnerships with Health Systems

Join us for this targeted discussion to learn everything you need to know about going to market in a hospital system.

At this free panel discussion you’ll get actionable insights on positioning your product to hospital stakeholders and decision-makers. You’ll also learn about different types of partnerships that could help speed your company’s launch to market.

During this discussion you will hear about the process of getting your technology into a hospital system and the current unmet technological needs in hospital and VA settings. This discussion will focus on the structures of partnerships with startups and hospitals to communicate how you can strategize approaching potential partners. BARDA will also present their current initiatives and information about the BARDA DRIVe program.

-UMass Memorial Health Care: Andrew Karson – Chief Medical Officer
-BARDA: Sandeep Patel- Director of BARDA Division of Research, Innovation, and Ventures (DRIVe)
-VA: Danielle Krakora – Entrepreneur in Residence at VHA Innovation Ecosystem or other Executive
-Methodist Hospital Representative: Michelle Stansbury – Vice President, IT Innovation
-JLABS Representative (Moderator): Rachel Rath – Director, BARDA Alliance




TMC Innovation
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