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About MLSC


Leadership Team

Kirk Taylor, MD

President and CEO

Peter Breiling

Chief Financial Officer

Kathryn Caille

Director, Office Administration

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Allyson McLaughlin Huntington

General Counsel and Chief Legal Officer

Jeanne LeClair

Chief Business Officer

Ryan H. Mudawar

EVP of Educational Partnerships and Workforce Investments

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Carla Reimold, PhD

EVP of Scientific Innovation and Strategic Investments

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Joseph P. Sullivan

Chief of Strategy and Public Affairs

Staff Team

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Kylie Arvidson

Marketing and Communications Manager

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Henrietta Binortsor

Senior Program Associate, Economic Development and Partnerships

Rich Bourgeois scaled e1664318468205

Richard Bourgeois

Senior Staff Accountant

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Jessica A. Briand

Contracts Manager and Paralegal

Calista Carter

Administrative Coordinator

Asmi Chakraborty, PhD

Director, Scientific Innovation and Strategic Investments

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Matthew Cote

Public Affairs and Communications Associate

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Vidhartha Deonarain

Senior Manager, Economic Development and Partnerships

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Hawa Fall, PharmD, MBA

Manager, Business Development

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Meghan Gerardo

Senior Director of Marketing and Corporate Relations

Nancy T. Goryl

Grants Manager

Linda Lee

Manager, Educational Partnerships and Workforce Investments

Michelle Kalaw

Program Associate, Educational Partnerships and Workforce Investments

Maeve Linnane

Program Associate, Educational Partnerships and Workforce Investments

Danielle McCarthy

Senior Staff Accountant

Audrey Medeiros, PhD

Program Manager, Scientific Innovation and Strategic Investments

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Ciara Murphy


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Pierre Saget

Operations Associate

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Cinar Efe Sumer, MSc

Senior Investment Associate, Scientific Innovation and Strategic Investments

Yelena Volovich

Staff Accountant

Tiffany Walther, PhD

Program Manager, Scientific Innovation and Strategic Investments


Meet the dedicated staff committed to supporting the growth and development of the life sciences through innovative programming and initiatives.

Board of Directors

Meet the Board of Directors responsible for the financial health of the agency and its investment in life sciences economic and workforce development.

Advisory Committees

Meet the Biomanufacturing Advisory Panel, the MassNextGen Executive Coaches, the Data Science Review Panel, and the A.C.T.S. Advisory Panel.

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Hear from the Heart of the Hub