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Baker-Polito Administration Celebrates More than $18 Million in Capital Infrastructure Grants to Research Institutions in Boston

President & CEO of the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center (MLSC) Travis McCready joined leaders from Harvard Medical School, The Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, The Institute for Protein Innovation and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute to celebrate more than $18 million in Capital Infrastructure grant funding for Boston area research institutions. The MLSC grants will advance the Baker-Polito Administration’s commitment to build a highly trained workforce and seed job creation in regions across Massachusetts. McCready highlighted the grant awards at a ceremony at Harvard Medical School in Boston which received a grant of more than $4.3 million.

Read the press release here.


From Left to Right: Harvard Medical School Dean George Q. Daley M.D, Ph.D.,, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Dean Michelle Williams, Tim Springer, Ph.D., MLSC President & CEO Travis McCready, Peter Sorger, Ph.D., Jerome Ritz, MD, and Rich Boyajian celebrate the more than $18 million awarded to Boston area research institutions at Harvard Medical School.

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