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Deadline Approaching: Apply by Dec. 6, 2024

Learn more about the MLSC’s research innovation programs supporting health equity, women’s health, data science, drug delivery, and research infrastructure.

The deadline to apply for the following programs is Dec. 6, 2024 at 1 p.m. EST.
Health Equity Accelerator: Integrates innovative solutions with a life sciences focus to address unmet healthcare needs, reduce disparities, and promote health equity.
Bits to Bytes: Funds collaborative academic and industry translational research projects that generate and analyze large omics datasets to answer pressing life science questions, as well as train the next generation of data scientists in the Commonwealth.
Novel Therapeutics: Capitalizes and incentivizes collaborative academic and industry translational research projects to address complex challenges in “therapeutic” delivery—from biomanufacturing, to targeted delivery, biomaterials and more.
Research Infrastructure: Develops innovative research infrastructure in Massachusetts to advance the life science ecosystem.
First Look Awards: In collaboration with the Mary Horrigan Connors Center for Women’s Health and Gender Biology at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, the program supports exploratory research projects aiming to begin developing translatable solutions for women’s health and furthering our understanding of gender biology.
Women’s Health Innovation Grants: Target innovations with translational potential and preliminary supporting data but still require a key set of proof-of-concept experiments prior to attracting a commercial partner or spinning out into a new company.
Women’s Health Collaboration: Supports translational academic and industry research collaborations that improve the discovery, technical innovation, and/or analysis of datasets to answer pressing life science questions around women’s health. Women’s health encompasses conditions which solely, disproportionately, or differently affect women.

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