‘I couldn’t do this research without the new lab’

Clark University’s Gustaf H. Carlson School of Chemistry and Biochemistry celebrated the launch on Oct. 30 of a new research laboratory filled with equipment that will greatly expand the capacity of students to prepare for jobs in Massachusetts’ ever-growing, multi-billion-dollar biotechnology industry.

Professor Donald Spratt was awarded a $750,000 Workforce Development Capital Grant from the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center to transform the lab, introducing industry-standard equipment to conduct National Institutes of Health-funded research that, he notes, seeks to understand “the molecular basis of human diseases using state-of-the-art techniques to observe and characterize protein-protein interactions in the cell and at the atomic level.”

The MLSC Workforce Development Capitial Grant program seeks to further the development and expansion of life sciences education and training programs offered by post-secondary academic institutions and non-profit organizations through capital investment in industry-aligned certificate and degree programs. The program awards funding of up to $750,000 per project for the purchase and installation of life sciences equipment, renovations, lab furniture, materials, supplies, and/or technology that will enable them to effectively prepare students for high-demand career opportunities in the life sciences.

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