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Funding Programs

Eligibility Requirements


The Internship Challenge connects employers with college students and recent graduates through an online platform and reimburses eligible companies (100 or fewer employees in Massachusetts; no more than 250 globally) for intern stipends.

Internships can be part or full time and can take place any time during the 12-month Program Year, which runs from May 1 through April 30. Candidates submit an online application, which includes their resume and a cover letter, to be posted in the MLSC’s application database (candidates do not apply to a particular company or for a specific position). There is no application deadline since internship placements are rolling.

Intern Eligibility

  1. Must meet at least one of the following:
    • Massachusetts resident (proof of residency required)
    • Attend an accredited college or university located in Massachusetts (enrollment verification required)
    • Attend a Minority Serving Institution (MSI) or a Historically Black College or University (HBCU)
  2. Must meet one of the following:
    • Currently enrolled in a 2-year college or community college OR a Certificate Program working toward an Associate Degree or Certificate (or have completed one within the past year)
    • Enrolled in a 4-year college or university and having completed at least their freshman year the semester before the internship OR have graduated within the past year.
    • Graduate students must be enrolled in a Master’s Degree program or have received their Master’s Degree within the past year. Ph.D. and M.D. candidates are not eligible.  

Please Note:

  • Interns are to be hired and paid directly by the host company. Any employed intern shall be treated as a W-2 employee of the company (not a contractor or subcontractor). Interns must be hired for a temporary internship experience and not as permanent employees. Upon completion of the internship, interns can be hired as full-time employees.
  • Companies cannot hire an intern who is the spouse, child, grandchild, sibling, niece, nephew, cousin or spouse of a child, grandchild, sibling, niece, nephew, or cousin of ANY current employee of the company.
  • Interns cannot participate in more than one subsidized internship in the same program year.
  • Interns cannot participate in more than two subsidized internships with the same company.
  • Internships cannot be concurrently subsidized by another state entity (such as MassTech or MassCEC).


Applicant Account Registration

FAQ’s for Interns

Program Handout

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